Education: How to Apply for Getty Foundation Scholar Grants

How to Apply for Getty Foundation Scholar Grants

Getty Foundation is now accepting applications from fact finders of all nationalities for its 2023 Scholar Grants. The deadline for the submission of applications for the Getty Foundation Scholar Grants is October 3, 2022. 

Getty Scholar Grants are for illustrious scholars or those who have reach distinction in their respective fields. 

Receivers are in residence at the Getty Research Institute or Getty Villa, where they pursue their own projects free of work-related obligations, use Getty collections, participate in a weekly meeting devoted to an annual research theme or the African American Art History Initiative, and contribute to the Getty’s intellectual life. 

Getty Foundation Scholar Grants Eligibility

Open to fact finders of all nationalities who are working in the arts, humanities, or social sciences.

Applicants who received their degree after September 1, 2019 should apply for a postdoctoral fellowship.

Current Getty staff and members of their close family are not qualified for Scholar Grants. Recent receivers who have received a Getty Scholar award within the past three years may be removed from deliberation.

Benefits of Getty Foundation Scholar Grants 

Getty Scholars may be in residence from three to nine months:

Three-month intelligence: September to December, January to April: $21,500

Six-month intelligence: September to April, January to June: $43,000

Nine-month intelligence: September to June: $65,000

AAAHI and PRW Research Project Scholarships are restricted to nine-month residency terms, and are granted $65,000 stipends. 

How to Apply for Getty Foundation Scholar Grants

Applicants are needed to complete and submit the online Getty Scholar grant application form, along with the computing described below, by the deadline.

Project Plan: Each application must include a description of the applicant’s proposed plan for study and research (not to exceed five pages, typed and double-spaced). The description should indicate (1) how the project bears upon the scholar year theme and (2) how the project would be advanced by the resources at the Getty, including its library and collections.

Applicants for the AAAHI and PRW Research Project Scholarships are not needed to work on the annual theme. Rather, they should describe either (1) their activity on African American art and cultural history for the AAAHI Scholarship or (2) their focus on Williams’ life and legacy for the PRW Research Project Scholarship.

Curriculum Vitae

Optional Writing Sample 

Apply Here
